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Showing posts with label pandemic. Show all posts

COVID-19 in 2020: Lessons Learned


A year ago, on 2019 New Year's Eve (NYE), China's health authorities notified the World Health Organization (WHO) that they had identified a cluster of cases of "pneumonia of an unknown cause" in the city of Wuhan. A year later, the streets of Wuhan were packed with crowds of people celebrating 2020 NYE, while billions around the world were left stranded inside their homes, in an attempt to curb the rapidly spreading SARS-CoV-2 virus that cause the COVID-19 disease. As 2020 comes to an end, we reflect on the lessons learned so far regarding this health pandemic.

2020 was an unprecedented year that saw the novel coronavirus spread from Wuhan, where it was originally detected, to reach each continent and corner of the globe, including Antarctica. According to Johns Hopkins University, by the end of the year, SARS-CoV-2 had infected 83 million people, and caused the deaths of 1.8 million individuals.[1] The USA, with a population of 332 million people, had the most infections and deaths, 20 million cases and 346,000 deaths. With less than five percent of the world's population, the USA had close to a quarter of the world's total number of coronavirus cases and deaths from COVID-19. The USA had more coronavirus cases than the next three countries combined (India, Brazil and Russia).

Compared to the USA, India with four times the population (1.3 billion), had half the number of cases and deaths, 10 million cases and 148,000 deaths. And, China, with even more people (1.4 billion), had even less cases and deaths, 87,000 cases and 4,600 deaths. The figures from the USA, India and China show that the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 has been unequal. Why is the USA figure so high, and what do these numbers tell us about this deadly virus?

Where Did SARS Originate?

Before we can start analyzing the unequal toll from the disease, it is important to consider some basic questions, and sum up the lessons learned so far. The first set of questions relate to the origin of the crisis - where did SARS-CoV-2 come from? Does the origin of SARS-CoV-2 have anything in common with the the SARS virus that appeared in 2002? What are the chances of a third severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus arising in the next decade? The constant mutation of SARS viruses are also troubling. In the final weeks of 2020, there was two significant SARS-CoV-2 mutations, the UK’s B.1.1.7 and South Africa’s 501.V2. Both are more infectious than their progenitors. If we understand what is causing SARS pathogens to materialize and mutate, then we can try to prevent future pandemics from this coronavirus.

Destruction of Nature

The UN and World Health Organization suggest that, in general, pandemics result from the destruction of nature. Environmental scientists also argue that less biodiversity will eventually lead to more disease. We know that the state of biodiversity is bad, but what can we do to turn things around? For one, destructive development projects are often subsidized by governments and international monetary organizations, so this form of socialized capitalism has to end. To preserve biodiversity, it is critical to restore and respect indigenous land rights. Also, an important economic lesson that business owners in urban areas should learn is that investing some of their profits in preserving nature, forests and ecosystems will enable them to remain in business in the long run. This is because protecting biodiversity can help to prevent future health pandemics and economic crises that can result in loss of market and business failure.

Are Animal Wet Markets to Blame?

In addition to the general cause of pandemics, it would be useful to know if there was a specific vector that caused SARS-CoV-2? Did this infectious virus originate in a food animal wet market or on a particular factory farm? The exact cause of transmission is yet unknown, but if food animal production is to blame, then reducing demand for animal products has to be part of the SARS solution. However, governments and banks are expending billions of dollars to subsidize factory farms and promote carnism as part of economic growth. This funding of future pandemics has to stop. Just like we have to de-fund fossil fuel companies to stop global warming, in order to decrease the chance of more SARS pandemics arising, funding agencies must recognize that industrial animal agriculture has to be curtailed.

Failure of Herd-immunity

One vital lesson of 2020 relates to the failure of an open economic policy and trying to develop natural immunity to a SARS virus in the general population. Sweden (pop. 10 million) followed a herd-immunity plan with little official restrictions. By the end of the year, this national approach resulted in 437K infections and 8,700 deaths from COVID-19. Sweden's neighbors had much lower COVID-19 death figures in 2020. For example, there were only 450 deaths in Norway, and 1,400 in Denmark. In comparison, Australia (pop. 25 million) with double the population of Sweden, implemented strong lockdown measures, like business and school closures and mandatory mask-wearing. By the end of the year, Australia's response resulted in far lower infections and fatalities, 28K cases and 900 deaths from COVID-19. Sweden's policy was irresponsible since it resulted in 15 times the number of SARS-CoV-2 cases and 10 times the number of COVID-19 fatalities as Australia. This shows that trying to achieve natural herd-immunity is a poor response to SARS viruses, with deadly consequences.

Strong Lockdowns Work

An important lesson learned in 2020 relates to the effectiveness of strong lockdown policies. To stop infections from getting out of control, it is important to immediately address the problem by shutting down the economy and halting the movement of people. Countries that had the most success in limiting the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections in 2020, like China (87K), Australia (28K), New Zealand (2,181) and Taiwan (812), did so with strong lockdown measures.[2] And, regions that had the least success in limiting the rise in SARS-CoV-2 cases by the end of the year, like Europe, North America and South American, implemented limited lockdown measures, with fewer business and school closures.

Another lesson learned from 2020, is that as SARS-CoV-2 spreads in a country, it becomes increasingly deadly. This is evident in the nationally reported figures on COVID-19 deaths. Although countrywide levels of testing and transparency vary, we can learn a lot by looking at COVID-19 fatalities per million people in 2020.[2] The number of deaths in the European Union (EU), US, Mexico and South America are far beyond the figures in Asian countries that have managed to limit the spread of the virus. Let's examine the numbers.

In Depth: European Union

Many Western European countries experienced an infection surge in the Spring, and implemented strong lockdown measures. Most states were fully reopened a few months later after flattening the SARS-CoV-2 curve. But, after the Summer lull, cases began to rise again with deadly consequences by the end of 2020. For example, France (pop. 67 million) had 2.6 million total SARS-CoV-2 infections and 988 deaths per million people from COVID-19. At one point during the Spring peak, France had around 975 deaths per day. But this number dropped during the Summer to as few as 8 deaths per day. At the end of the year, the fatality rate was back up, and above the Spring peak. The UK (pop. 66 million) had 2.7 million cases in total, and a fatality rate of 1070. Italy (pop. 60 million) had 2.1 million infections and 1217 deaths per one million people. Italy was among EU countries with the highest fatality rate from the virus. And, Spain (pop. 47 million) had 1.9 million cases and a COVID-19 fatality rate of 1084 by the end of 2020.

Most Central and Eastern Europe states avoided the worst of the first coronavirus wave in the Spring. However, at the end of 2020, these nations were experiencing some of the most rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the world. For example, Slovenia (pop. 2 million) had a total of 150 COVID-19 deaths as of October 1st, but then, over the next 10 weeks, that figure jumped to over 2,000. As the year closed, the country had 125K infections, 2.8K deaths, and a high fatality rate of 1,365 deaths per million people.

Compared to these high SARS-CoV-2 case numbers and morbidity rates, some EU countries maintained preventive measures throughout the Summer and Fall, which resulted in less infections and deaths. For example, Germany (pop. 83 million) had 1.7 million cases and a fatality rate of 396 deaths per million people. Denmark (pop. 6 million) had 170K cases and a fatality rate of 216. And, Norway (pop. 5 million) had 51K infections and 80 deaths per million people from COVID-19. Germany, Denmark and Norway implemented stronger lockdowns measures for longer periods of time, which reduced their numbers, compared to EU countries with higher fatality rates. This trend suggest that more open policies results in more deaths from this pandemic.

In Depth: North and South America

During this unprecedented year, in general, countries in North and South America remained mostly open with limited lockdowns, which resulted in higher COVID-19 fatality rates. For example, the USA (pop. 330 million) had 20 million SARS-CoV-2 cases and a COVID-19 fatality rate of 1034 deaths per million people. Brazil (pop. 210 million) had 7.7 million infections and a fatality rate of 912. Columbia (pop. 50 million) had 1.7 million cases and a death rate of 843. Argentina (pop. 45 million) had 1.6 million cases and a fatality rate of 961. Mexico (pop. 126 million) had 1.4 million cases and a death rate of 968. Peru (pop. 32 million) had 1 million infections and a fatality rate of 1139. And, Bolivia (pop. 11 million) had 167K cases and 783 deaths per million people.

Fatality rates in the Western Hemisphere are as high as those in the worse EU countries, but there are a few exceptions. Like Germany, Canada (pop. 37 million) took strong lockdown and preventative measures, which resulted in 610K cases and a fatality rate of 410. The states with the first and second highest number of total COVID-19 deaths are both in the Western Hemisphere - the USA (350K) and Brazil (195K). Tellingly, the machismo leaders of both countries downplayed the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and resisted lockdowns. Their inaction show that doing little to slow the spread of SARS viruses leads to more deaths.

In Depth: Asia

In the East, where SARS-CoV-2 supposedly originated, COVID-19 fatality rates are far lower than those in the West. Asian countries have more experience in dealing with infectious disease, compared to the West. For example, a SARS-associated coronavirus, originated in China in 2002, and killed more than 800 people around the world by 2003. Asian countries have prior experience with the SARS virus, so there is more health compliance, like avoiding contact, mask-wearing and isolation. One exception is India, which has the third highest COVID-19 deaths (178K). With 107 deaths per million people, India also has the highest COVID-19 fatality rate in Asia. One main reason is that India's strong lockdown policy triggered a mass migration of laborers from urban areas that spread the virus to rural areas. Better planning and support for workers could have limited the spread, but India's death rate is still almost 10 times less than that of the UK and US.

Although Asian countries have larger populations, their SARS-CoV-2 case and morbidity numbers in 2020 were much lower than countries in the West. For example, the Philippines (pop. 106 million) had 475K cases, 9K deaths, and a COVID-19 fatality rate of 84 deaths per million people. Indonesia (pop. 267 million) had 770K infections, 22K deaths and a death rate of 80. Nepal (pop. 28 million) had 262K cases, 1.8K deaths, and a fatality rate of 63. Myanmar (pop. 54 million) had 126K infections, 2.7K fatalities, and a rate of 48 deaths per million people.

In Bangladesh (pop. 161 million), there were 516K cases of SARS-CoV-2, 7.5K deaths from COVID-19, and a fatality rate of 45. Pakistan (pop. 212 million) had 490K infections, 10.5K deaths and a fatality rate of 46. Japan (pop. 126 million) had 243K cases, 3.5K fatalities and a rate of 25 deaths per million people. South Korea (pop. 51 million) had 64K infections, 1K deaths and a fatality rate of 17, and China had 3 deaths per million people. In Oceania, the rates of death from the virus are lower still. Australia's COVID-19 fatality rate was 35, and New Zealand (pop. 5 million) had 2.1K infections, 25 deaths and a fatality rate of 5 deaths per million people. These figures show that lockdowns and preventive measures were effective in reducing morbidity rates in the East.

In Depth: West Asia and Africa

West Asia was slow to implement lockdown measures in 2020, and many restrictions were not followed or enforced. There is an uneven distribution of COVID-19 fatality rates per million people across the region. For example, in Iran (pop. 82 million), there were 1.2 million infections of SARS-CoV-2, 55K deaths from COVID-19, and a high fatality rate of 650 deaths per million people. Turkey (pop. 82 million) had 2.2 million cases, 21K deaths, and a fatality rate of 250. Saudi Arabia (pop. 33 million) had 363K infections, 6.2K deaths, and a fatality rate of 175. In Egypt (pop. 98 million), there were 143K cases, 7.8K deaths, and a low fatality rate of 76.

Lockdowns and restrictions were uneven in Africa as well. And fatality rates per million people vary widely on the vast African continent, from high to low. For example, South Africa (pop. 58 million) had 1.1 million SARS-CoV-2 infections, 30K deaths from COVID-19, and Africa's highest fatality rate at 472 deaths per million people. Tunisia (pop. 12 million) had 144K cases, 4.8K deaths and a fatality rate of 390. Morocco (pop. 36 million) had 430K infections, 7.5K deaths and a fatality rate of 199. In contrast, Kenya (pop. 51 million) had 95K cases, 1.5K deaths, and a fatality rate of 31 COVID-19 deaths per million people. And Ghana (pop. 30 million) had 55K infections, 335 deaths and a fatality rate of 10 deaths per million people. Unlike West Asian states, most African countries have managed to limit their number of infections and deaths. Many African countries have decades of experience dealing with infectious disease, like hepatitis, HIV, Ebola and cholera, so there is greater health compliance, like mask-wearing and isolation.

Comorbidity Factors

A third basic question from 2020 relates to comorbidities and other issues that can lead to higher COVID-19 fatality rates. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) state that some pre-existing health conditions can increase the likelihood of illness and death from the disease.[3] For example, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and severe obesity can lead to more severe symptoms and outcomes. Age and sex are factors important as well. The length and amount of exposure to the virus is significant, and the weather is a key driver, as colder Winter temperatures have resulted in higher transmission and morbidity rates.

Higher GDP Equals More Deaths

One other lesson we can learn about the difference in the death rates per million people in countries and regions across the globe is that Western and developed nations have higher death rates than Eastern states and those that are less developed. This is shown is a chart comparing death rates and gross domestic production (GDP). On the GDP chart, the countries with higher fatality rates skew towards the top-right, consisting of high GDP states in the EU, like Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Denmark, and France, plus the USA and Canada. On the other hand, countries with lower death rates per million people skew towards the bottom-left, consisting of low GDP states in Africa and Asia, like Liberia, Ghana, Afghanistan and Vietnam.

Is this GDP and morbidity difference similar to the distinction between higher fatalities in Western states and lower fatalities in Eastern countries that have more experience with infectious diseases and compliance to health regulations? On the chart, many Asian countries are on the right in terms of GDP and in the middle in regards to mortality, for example, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore. These Asian countries are more similar to Western states than lower GDP countries in Africa with lower fatality rates per million people.

Carnism and Comorbidities

The co-relation between higher GDPs and higher fatality rates per million people is surprising. Higher GDP countries have advanced medical resources and care, with more doctors, nurses, ICU beds, ventilators, etc., than lower GDP states. So the death rates in rich nations should be lower, not higher. One explanation for the higher death rates relates to diet. Specifically the over-consumption of animal products in higher GDP countries leads to obesity and comorbidities that increase the risk of more severe illness and death from COVID-19. For example, the CDC state that over 40% of adults in the US are obese. The UN FAO chart on meat consumption show that countries with higher food animal consumption are countries with higher GDP, like the US, Canada and the UK. The USA is the top consumer of food animals, and it also has the most COVID-19 deaths.


Food animal consumption is linked to the origin of deadly SARS viruses, and also to higher fatality rates. Yet, there no calls to reduce animal consumption. If the over-consumption rates of the wealthiest nations are not curbed, this will lead to increasing obesity and more COVID-19 deaths. There is little evidence that food animal consumption is slowing, and average GDP countries are starting to follow the same trend as high GDP nations in terms of diet and disease.

Moses Seenarine is the author of Meat Climate Change: The 2nd Leading Cause of Global Warming (2016). Xpyr Press, 348 pages ISBN: 0692641157

[1] Staff. 2020. Coronavirus Resource Center, Johns Hopkins University of Medicine. Dec. 31.

[2] Staff. 2020. Our World in Data. Global Change Data Lab, University of Oxford.

[3] Ogden, Cynthia. 2015. "Prevalence of Obesity Among Adults and Youth: United States, 2011–2014." CDC. November 

Animal Agribusiness Disorder

Meat Society: Number 8 in a series exploring issues related to curbing demand for animal products, an important climate change solution for individuals and nations alike, especially in Western states where meat and diary consumption dwarfs other regions.

Excerpt from Meat Climate Change: The 2nd Leading Cause of Global Warming by Moses Seenarine, (2016). Xpyr Press, 348 pages ISBN: 0692641157

In addition to greenhouse gases (GHGs), there are dozens of grave concerns regarding livestock production. These concerns, listed below, are consequential and must be addressed. On top of that, they potently relate to climate warming since they often generate GHG pollution. For instance, rural displacement may stimulate increase of carbon footprints through migration to urban areas and adoption of animal-based diets.

Food animal production negatively impacts the following 19 areas: (1) the loss of forest and earth's sequestration capacity. This acerbates (2) resource scarcity, and (3) soil loss which is critical to food security. (4) The animal industry's water-use threatens food supply, security and human welfare. Factory farms are the number one consumer of water in drought-stricken California, for example.

(5) There is the moral issue of wasting calories. With a billion and upwards malnourished people, the production of animal protein is far less efficient than producing equivalent amounts of plant protein. (6) Particularly troubling is the trend toward greater intensification and industrial production methods without regard to animal welfare. Animal factory farming is a new phenomenon that has established itself as the predominant mode of food animal production.

(7) Another worry is the consolidation of ownership and the enormous power wielded by multinational trading companies over local and national governments. This unequal power impacts negatively on democracy, local control, accountability and oversight, sustainability disclosure, corporate governance, and policy changes.

(8) There are massive and widespread problems with land rights, rural unemployment, displacement, violence, inequality, poor working conditions, and other forms of exploitation related to the sector. (9) Another major concern is that vast numbers of livestock and feed crops are often located in remote areas with severe effects on the environment, such as deforestation and land degradation, that is causing a rapid loss of biodiversity.

(10) Food animal production is often located close to cities or ports, where insufficient land is available for processing the waste. This leads to soil, air and water pollution, which cause humans and animals to become prone to ill-health and disease. (11) Factory farming is the number one user of antibiotics in the US, up to 80 percent. This is causing bacterial resistance which defeats the use of these lifesaving drugs.

(12) Another anxiety is that factory farms are inevitably breeding dangerous new strains of bacteria. Factory farming is the number one reason for the rapid spread of bird flu (H5N2) and swine flu (H1N1). (13) A further concern relates to health effects of genetically modified crops, and residues from herbicides, like glyphosate.

(14) Stagnating crop yields is an immense worry. (15) So too are the effects of climate change, such as heat stress and disease, on the production and efficiency of food animals. And, (16) livestock over-consumption, and the effects of an animal-based diet on human health, are immense causes for concern as well.

(17) Nutrient flows in the earth system are instrumental to food security and short-term GHG discharges. Some scenarios project that by 2050 global crops will expand by 82 percent, and livestock production will soar upwards 115 percent from 2000 levels. This massive addition in nutrient pollution, land and water requirements will lead to intensifying global hunger, resource conflicts, and refugee crises.

In addition, (18) there is a multiplicity of concerns regarding dependency, distribution and corruption in the food supply. And, (19) a trend towards eating processed, animal-based foods produced in a different country multiplies GHG emissions per gram, and makes monitoring countries’ individual GHG pollution far trickier. These concerns, as well as others, present troubling perplexities for creating a just and sustainable food production system.

From Chapter 11: WHAT CRISIS? page 112

'Race' and 'Whiteness' in Academia

As I write this article at the end of August 2020, socially defined “minority” communities across the country are protesting yet another police shooting of an African American, that of 29-year old Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Earlier in the year, there were weeks of activism over the strangulation of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African American man in Minneapolis, Minnesota; the shooting of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old African American female emergency medical technician in Louisville, Kentucky; the killing of Rayshard Brooks, a 27-year-old African American man in Atlanta, Georgia; the strangulation of Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old African American massage therapist in Aurora, Colorado; and the death of many others at the hands of the police.

Although it is not readily apparent, discrimination against “minorities” is relevant to critical animal studies, and there are many ways in which “race” and “whiteness” intersect in the field. I saw this first-hand one summer when I attended a protest at a factory farm in Los Angeles. A deep racial division was evident at the demonstration, as most of the animal advocates outside the gates were middle-class European Americans, while the majority of workers inside the slaughterhouse were disadvantaged Latinas/os, African Americans, and Asians. Horrified by the stench of the place, I became even more aghast when the European American activists started calling workers “murderers.” And, when I queried the protesters outside if their pets were plant-based, some grew defensive, arguing that dogs and cats are natural carnivores and have to eat flesh. Ironically, cognitive dissonance allowed European American vegans to scream “murderer” at marginalized meat plant workers while continuing to support factory farms by buying animal flesh for their own pets.

Interestingly, the COVID-19 pandemic presents an opportunity to bridge this divide between activists and workers. Since the pandemic began, tens of thousands of “minority” and immigrant meat plant employees have become infected with the virus while working on animal slaughtering and disassembly lines. Deemed as “essential workers,” over a hundred meat plant employees have died from COVID-19. As a result, marginalized workers, their families and unions are calling for the closure of meat plants, along with doctors and health advocates. Animal advocates can help by campaigning alongside factory farm workers in resisting the livestock industry. The intersection of “race,” workers in meat plants, and the pandemic, is an important one for critical animal scholars to explore. 

The are other ways in which “race” and “whiteness” intersect with critical animal studies. Educational institutions are not insulated from the effects of structural racism and the power of “whiteness” operating within the larger society. Universities and academic discourses reflect Eurocentrism and fortify structural racism, and scholars should examine how these larger social forces shape our disciplines. Despite claims of scientific objectivity and unbiased inquiry, there are several critical questions that remain largely unexplored in sociology and other disciplines.

For instance, why is there a lack of ethnic diversity in academia, generally, and more particularly, in our field? How does the lack of ethnic diversity in departments, in the academic literature, and in the use of citations, serve to reinforce Eurocentrism in our discipline? What are the consequences for a field of inquiry that is dominated by people with European heritage? Whose voices are included in the standard curriculum and knowledge base, which ones are excluded, and who decides? How do European ethnicity and cultural capital become entrenched as part of the discipline? And, how do European heritage and privilege bear upon the framing of research, the issues that are explored, the inclusion and exclusion of various voices, factors, social contexts, and so on?

There are other theoretical and material issues around “race” and “whiteness” that lack elaboration in critical animal studies. For instance, how does higher consumption of animal-based protein intersect with claims of Eurocentric supremacy and countries with majority European populations? How are over-consumption behaviors, and massive carbon footprints among a small middle-class in the Global North, subsidized by the impoverished masses in the Global South? How does the Western framing of individual “rights” for nonhuman animals conflict and contradict Indigenous notions of the “interconnectedness” of species? How are issues of representation, consent and objectification in the graphic imagery of animals and nature from the Global South, negotiated or ignored in animal studies and by nonhuman animal advocates and environmental organizations in the Global North? How do “conservation” campaigns in the Global North lead to corruption and dispossession in the Global South? And how does the promotion of ecotourism in the Global South for Westerners lead to trafficking, male violence and other problems for local women?

Although important first steps, the deconstruction of “race” and “whiteness” in our field will have limited outcomes if they are not accompanied by a decentering of Eurocentric theory and theorists, along with a centering of the work of socially defined “non-whites” — Indigenous, African American, Latina/o, Asian, and other. It is the responsibility of departments and academic fields to decenter Eurocentrism and increase ethnic diversity among scholars, scholarship, and the curriculum. Objectivity and transparency also oblige individual scholars to acknowledge ethnic privileges and to discuss how racial advantages may have influenced their career and research choices. 

It is equally important for Western scholars to examine how their theoretical framing reflects perspectives in the Global North, and how these may differ from those of “minority” scholars and theories emanating from the Global South. Addressing the social influence of “race” and “whiteness” in our personal lives and careers is an important part of the process of deconstructing and decentering “whiteness” in our own scholarship, and in transforming the discipline in which we operate. The racist violence against Jacob Blake, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, Elijah McClain, and the deaths of hundreds of “minority” meat plant workers from COVID-19, should inspire academics and their departments to do more in the cause of social justice for human and nonhuman animals alike.

Reprinted from:

Seenarine, Moses. 2020. "Intersection of 'Race' and 'Whiteness' in Academia," American Sociological Association (ASA), The Animals & Society Section Newsletter, Fall, pages 7-8.

About The Author
Dr. Moses Seenarine is the father of Jad and longterm ethical vegan. Seenarine immigrated with his family from South America to the USA in the late 1970s, and he is among the first generation to be college educated. His books include Meat Climate Change: The 2nd Leading Cause of Global Warming (2016); and Cyborgs Versus the Earth Goddess: Men’s Domestication of Women and Animals, and Female Resistance (2017). Seenarine has written dozens of articles on women, race, caste, migration, the environment, animals, and climate change. His work has been cited by the FAO, UNESCO, Human Rights Watch, Anti-Slavery International, the Institute for the Study of Labor, World Council of Churches, and many others.

corona and devils

it's mid october

by crossing the 7 million mark

of total coronavirus cases 

modi's india will soon become

the world's most infected nation

surpassing trump's 7.5 million

modi also set the record at 90K

for most daily positive cases 

followed by trump with 65K 

and bolsonaro's brazil at 45k

modi is yet to catch the virus

but many other macho leaders 

had some close calls with 'rona

boris johnson was stuck on march 27

he spent a week in hospital

three nights in intensive care 

russian prime minister mikhail mishustin

tested positive on april 29

he checked into a hospital

and self-isolated for 3 weeks

jair bolsonaro became ill on july 5

and 3 weeks later he had "mold in the lung"

donald trump is no exception

after months of minimizing the virus

repeatedly saying it would go away

on october 2 trump admitted he was positive

he ran low on oxygen and was rushed to the hospital

treated with remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies

and steroid dexamethasone, he recovered quickly 

and was back at his desk 5 days later

blaming china, bashing the radical left

and claiming the virus was "a blessing from god"

with 210,000 people dead in the nation

the super spreader-in-chief in the capital says

"don't be afraid of covid"

“don’t let it dominate your life” 

macho talk by a right-wing populist

is no solace for the dead

and those suffering long-term effects

the majority of whom are poor

Latinas and Latinos

African American women and men

Asian American women and men

Indigenous women and men

people from other disadvantaged communities

who are afraid of the disease

yet work to feed their families

for them, catching this bug

would be a curse from a right-wing devil

Pandemics Ahead

Pandemics Ahead is a series of articles looking at the link between animal protein and global health disasters. The articles are excerpts from Meat Climate Change: The 2nd Leading Cause of Global Warming by Moses Seenarine, (2016). Xpyr Press, 348 pages. ISBN: 0692641157.

See also Meat Society, a series exploring issues related to curbing demand for animal products, an important climate change solution for individuals and nations alike, especially in Western states where meat and diary consumption dwarfs other regions. See also our COVID-19 Meat Pandemic Bibliography with a categorized listing of Online News and Reports (March to June, 2020).

For more information, see

COVID-19 Meat Pandemic Bibliography

Categorized Listing of Online News and Reports (March to June, 2020)

CAUSE: Environment
CAUSE: Factory Farms & Meat Plants
CAUSE: Future Pandemics
CAUSE: Reform
GLOBAL: Brazil
GLOBAL: Germany
INDUSTRY: Response
RESISTANCE: Unions & Advocacy
SOCIAL STRUCTURE: Immigration Status
SPREAD: National
SPREAD: Los Angeles
WORKERS: Meat Plant
WORKERS: Produce
WORKERS: Seafood

CAUSE: Environment

Pandemics result from destruction of nature, say UN and WHO

Biodiversity and human health: Less biodiversity, more infectious diseases?

Coronavirus: Pandemics will be worse and more frequent unless we stop exploiting Earth and animals, top scientists warn

Halt destruction of nature or suffer even worse pandemics, say world’s top scientists

It’s Big Livestock versus the Planet: whose side are we on?

The Pandemic Is Not a Natural Disaster

CAUSE: Factory Farms & Meat Plants

Coronavirus: world treating symptoms, not cause of pandemics, says UN

How Humanity Unleashed a Flood of New Diseases

Industrial farming of livestock a ticking pathogen bomb, scientists say

The next pandemic might come from a factory farm in China or the US. Is the world prepared?

Why Experts Warn Factory Farms Could Cause Another Pandemic

OPINION: A Zoonotic Heaven

How slaughterhouses became breeding grounds for coronavirus

Cheap chicken, beef came at a cost. How American meat plants bred coronavirus hot spots.

It's time to shut down industrial animal farming

End to slaughterhouses would benefit workers, consumers — but it's unlikely even COVID-19 will force change

OPINION: Will Coronavirus Be What Finally Kills Factory Farming? | Opinion

The real scandal isn’t what China did to us. It’s what we did to ourselves.

Cheap chicken, beef came at a cost

The Sickness in Our Food Supply

Cheap chicken, beef came at a cost. How American meat plants bred coronavirus hot spots.

LETTER: Keeping meat processing plants open endangers us all

Why meatpacking plants have become coronavirus hot spots

The Human Cost of ‘Culling’ Livestock and ‘Depopulating’ Farms

COVID-19 Isn’t the Only Sickness Spreading Through Meat Plants

For America’s Meatpacking Workers, the Danger Is Real

Coronavirus: Industrial animal farming has caused most new infectious diseases and risks more pandemics, experts warn

Return of 'The Jungle': Risking Death to Maximize Profits

Surely the link between abusing animals and the world's health is now clear

More giant factory farms will inevitably mean we will create more deadly pandemics

Revealed: why meat processing plants are the ideal incubator of the coronavirus 

U.S. Meat Plants Are Deadly as Ever, With No Incentive to Change

Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the Meat Industry and Food Safety 

Why U.S. meatpacking workers are vulnerable to coronavirus, and why the industry won't easily change

America's factory farms are just as bad as we think any wet market is. We can't point fingers.

Cold, Crowded, Deadly: How U.S. Meat Plants Became a Virus Breeding Ground

A Pork Panic Won't Save Our Bacon

NEW SHOCKING VIDEO OF WET MARKETS... Animal Rights Group Demands Shutdown

‘This isn’t essential’: Dog treat factory employees plead with Tyson to shut down plant after Covid-19 death

As they rushed to maintain U.S. meat supply, big processors saw plants become covid-19 hot spots, worker

Stopping virus a huge challenge at crowded US meat plants

Meatpacking plants at center of many North America COVID-19 outbreaks

Severe coronavirus outbreaks stagger some meat-packing plants in Washington

The meat we eat is a pandemic risk, too

Corrupt billionaire brothers’ meat plants are riddled with coronavirus

Coronavirus at Smithfield pork plant: The untold story of America's biggest outbreak

Not Just China, New York Too Has Over 80 ‘Wet Markets’ That Sell & Slaughter Live Animals


Obesity and Covid-19: Junk food industry ‘shares the blame’, some experts say

What do we know about the relationship between our gut microbiota and COVID-19

Cold air may be the culprit of massive coronavirus outbreaks in meatpacking plants across the US in a worrying sign that cases may surge this winter

The End of Meat Is Here

Opinion | Jonathan Safran Foer: Meat is not essential. Why are we killing for it?

The moral cost of America’s meat-supply obsession

NYU scientists: Largest US study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest 'chronic' factor in New York City's hospitalizations

CAUSE: Future Pandemics

As COVID-19 spreads, researchers track an influenza virus nervously

Coronavirus: This is not the last pandemic

New strain of flu found in China has potential to become a pandemic, scientists warn 

Dr. Anthony Fauci says new virus in China has traits of 2009 swine flu and 1918 pandemic flu

Environmental Destruction Brought Us COVID-19. What It Brings Next Could Be Far Worse.

CAUSE: Reform

Solidarity Across Species | Dissent Magazine

Overthrowing the Food System’s Plantation Paradigm 

Racial Injustice: The Truth about Industrial Agriculture 

How Red Meat Became the Red Pill for the Alt-Right

The Jungle and the Pandemic: The Meat Industry, Coronavirus, and an Economy in Crisis

We’re Still Living and Dying in the Slaveholders’ Republic

The Writing of “Silent Spring”: Rachel Carson and the Culture-Shifting Courage to Speak Inconvenient Truth to Power

Let's Rebuild the Broken Meat Industry—Without Animals

3 Ways To Fix The Meat Industry’s Empathy Problem 

There's no such thing as humane meat or eggs. Stop kidding yourself

As coronavirus threatens meat supply, we should embrace healthier alternatives

Plant-based diets could prevent a future pandemic say doctors

WHO Adviser on Meat Plants: If We’re at War, the Weapons We Need Are Tests and PPE, Not Pork

GLOBAL: Brazil

Brazil Stalks U.S. Fatalities After Virus Cases Tops 1 Million

Brazil issues new guidelines for meatpackers as coronavirus pandemic ravages plants 

Outbreaks of COVID-19 in Brazil’s meat processing plants and mines 

Brazil Government Aide Says COVID-19's Toll on Elderly Will Reduce Pension Deficit As Country's Outbreak Escalates 

Nine meat plants in southern Brazil face COVID-19 outbreaks


China finds heavy coronavirus traces in seafood, meat sections of Beijing food market 

Coronavirus: China suspends poultry imports from Tyson Foods plant after workers test positive

GLOBAL: Germany

Coronavirus outbreak at a meatpacking plant exposes weakness in Germany’s covid-19 response

Germany: Coronavirus exposes meat workers' plight 

Meat plant must be held to account for Covid-19 outbreak, says German minister 

Meat plant must be held to account for Covid-19 outbreak, says German minister 

Coronavirus: Gütersloh mayor Henning Schulz slams Tönnies meat producer after massive outbreak forces lockdown 

'I am angry': Germans back in lockdown demand accountability 

Coronavirus R rate rockets in Germany after factory outbreak 

'These clusters will continue to occur': Can Germany keep on top of new coronavirus outbreaks? 

How did Europe avoid the Covid-19 catastrophe ravaging U.S. meatpacking plants?


N.C. not doing enough to protect immigrant farmworkers from coronavirus, advocates say

Trump administration uses faulty data to speed up meatpacking production

‘All smoke and mirrors’: How Trump’s meatpacking order has failed to keep workers safe 

Covid-19 Is Rampant Near Meatpacking Plants, But N.C. Won't Disclose All of the Data 

Revealed: Covid-19 outbreaks at meat-processing plants in US being kept quiet 

COVID-19 bill gives meat packing plants millions in relief, but worker safety isn’t included 

CDC joining efforts to address northern Utah COVID-19 spike, assist immigrants and refugees

Emails Reveal Chaos as Meatpacking Companies Fought Health Agencies Over COVID-19 Outbreaks in Their Plants

The Feds Just Indicted Meatpacking Moguls for Driving Up the Price of Your Chicken

Gov. Reynolds won’t ‘second guess’ Tyson’s decision to penalize workers for missing shifts due to illness, as another 694 cases of COVID-19 are reported in Iowa

OSHA fines Kuna meat-rendering plant where employee died

N.C. House bill would provide $25M for meat-packing plants. Proposal would add capacity, doesn't take up worker safety.

Letter to the editor: In Maine, across U.S., meat workers get no federal protection

Meat plant safety counsel is largely unenforceable

With Trump Executive Order, Are Meat and Poultry Plants a COVID-19 Ticking Time Bomb?

Kansas altered meatpacking guidance to let possibly exposed workers stay on the job

‘What are you hiding?’: Health officials stop reporting growing number of coronavirus cases at Nebraska meatpacking plants

Most meat plants will be on line this week despite coronavirus, says Perdue

Iowa workers who don’t return to meat plants are ineligible for benefits

Nebraska Governor Defends Decision To Hide COVID-19 Stats At Specific Meatpacking Plants

Trump's health secretary blames meat plant outbreaks on "home and social" lives of workers

Chief justice: COVID-19 spread at meatpacking plant not affecting 'regular folks'

Trump bows to Big Meat: The president’s outrageous use of the Defense Production Act to shield slaughterhouses

A Death Sentence for Meatpackers

Former OSHA Officials Voice Alarm as Trump Tells Corporations They Don't Have to Record Coronavirus Cases Among Their Workers

Wisconsin meat processing plants, closed after COVID-19 outbreaks, forced to re-open after Pres. Trump order

The real reason Trump treats meatpacking workers as disposable

EWG: Without Worker Protections, Trump’s Planned Order To Keep Meat Plants Open During Pandemic Could Be a Death Sentence

Trump rapidly uses wartime power for meat, hesitates to use it for ventilators

Trump Is Ready to Let Tyson Foods Work People to Death

Analysis | Prisons and meat processors are hotbeds of coronavirus. One can’t close. The other won’t be allowed

Trump orders meat processing plants to stay open

White House Seeks To Lower Farmworker Pay To Help Agriculture Industry

Rule Barring Immigrants From Social Programs Risks Worsening Coronavirus Spread

INDUSTRY: Response

Smithfield, Tysons Said Their Plants Had to Stay Open to Feed America. They Shipped Meat To China Instead. 

Tyson returns to pre-COVID absentee policy

Iowa JBS meatpacking employees warned of 'excessive absenteeism' as pandemic continues 

USDA Allows Poultry Plants To Raise Line Speeds, Exacerbating Risk of Covid-19 Outbreaks and Injury 

As Company Seeks Solutions, Tyson Workers Still Crowd Into Vans at Plant With COVID-19 Cases

Tyson Foods Introduces Social Distancing Monitors as New Outbreaks Occur At Its Plants

As Employees Continue to Battle COVID-19 to Make Meat, Smithfield Rewards Essential Workers with Free Hot Dogs

A Utah meat plant is staying open even after 287 workers got coronavirus

Coronavirus hit meat plants just as workers were being asked to speed up

Meat industry is trying to get back to normal, but workers are still getting sick

As Meatpacking Plants Reopen, Data About Worker Illness Remains Elusive

The meat industry is trying to get back to normal. But workers are still getting sick — and shortages may get worse.

Workers Worry Over Enforcement of Meatpacking Plant Safety Recommendations

Middle and high school students to process lobster after temporary foreign worker ban

JBS meat plant in Michigan sends home older workers as it ramps up production

Texas meatpacking plant reverses course, will allow state to test workers

'What's the cost of a human life?': U.S. meat-plant changes signal end of the 99-cent chicken

Some blame meatpacking workers, not plants, for virus spread

At least 4,500 Tyson workers have caught COVID-19, with 18 deaths. The meat giant still doesn't offer paid sick leave, as the industry blames workers for outbreaks.

Pork Chops vs. People: Battling Coronavirus in an Iowa Meat Plant

JBS Kept Colorado Beef Plant Open for Weeks During Pandemic. Now 3 Workers Are Dead

Fremont chicken plant worker dies; plants in Madison, Schuyler to close temporarily

Tens of Thousands of Healthy Pigs Being Killed Daily Amid COVID-19 Meatpacking Backlog

As slaughterhouses shut down across the country, animals are at risk of on farm mass slaughter

2 million chickens to be killed because there aren’t enough workers to kill them

Smithfield Pork Plant Offered $500 Bonus for Showing Up to Work During Coronavirus Outbreak

Workers at US meat plants blame coronavirus outbreaks on company policies

Pork producers slowly bring back workers with partitions, temperature tests

Fears grow for the nation's food supply as Tyson shuts its largest pork processing plant as meat packing factories become coronavirus hotspots - and workers at Smithfield say they were given hair nets to wear as face masks


Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Wendy's franchisee gives $200K more to Trump reelection campaign

Booker renews push to phase out factory farming by 2040 after pandemic hits meatpacking plants

Cash Cows: Meatpacking and the specter of Coronapolitics

Iowa Poll: Nearly half say meatpacking plants have adequate oversight to protect workers 

Pork packing saved Milan, Mo. Now some see plant as a threat


Tyson Hit With Another COVID-19 Death Suit In Texas 

Iowa families of 3 dead meat plant workers sue Tyson Foods 

Latino group says $5 million gift to Iowa cities should go to workers who have gotten sick 

Family seeks workers compensation payment from Tyson after Iowa man dies of COVID-19

Tyson Foods Was Slapped With a Federal Wrongful Death Lawsuit. It's About Time.

McDonald’s hit with two class-action suits over COVID-19 worker safety

Workers Are Dying at Meatpacking Plants, and Investors Need to Take Note


Tell Tyson: Workers deserve paid sick leave now! 

Doctors posting billboards urging Reynolds to embrace alternatives to coronavirus-plagued meatpacking industry 

Car vigil held in South Omaha for packing plant safety awareness 

Multiple organizations joined Solidarity with Meatpacking Plant Workers for drive-in vigil 

Animal advocates protest JBS, call on plant to protect workers, switch to meat alternatives 

Meatpacking workers oppose forced return to work through protests and mass absenteeism

Meatpacking workers often absent after order to reopen

Workers protest against Utah meatpacking plant amid outbreak — ‘It’s not safe,’ says one

She's Advocating For Her Meat Plant Worker Parents

Protesters hold vigil outside Perdue Farms in Perry, questioning conditions inside

Group protests outside Morganton chicken plant amid COVID-19 outbreak

Coronavirus cases at Arkansas meat plants rise, draw protests

Activists protest outside Cargill Meat Solutions, call for closure of meatpacking plants in Wisconsin

Hispanic leaders call on Ricketts to support meatpackers, sterilize plants

Tyson roadside vigil honors 3 Tri-Cities workers who died of COVID-19

Demonstrators gather outside Smithfield Foods, urging meat processing companies to shut down

Protesters take a second stand at the Smithfield Foods meat factory

Meatless May? Latino civil rights group launches meat boycott as coronavirus hits plant workers

Uproar Among Workers Supplying the World’s Meat Is Spreading

How a Somali community took on a Minnesota meatpacking plant to contain a Covid-19 outbreak 

Somali chicken plant workers take on Pilgrim’s Pride, and win 

RESISTANCE: Unions and Advocacy

What is it like to work for Tyson Foods during COVID-19?

Poor conditions in meat plants fuel Covid-19 outbreaks, say unions 

Union Unveils Billboards In Memory Of 6 JBS Workers Who Died From COVID-19 

99 Slaughterhouse Worker COVID-19 Deaths Provoke Coalition To Urge #boycottmeat

LULAC Iowa Wed am news conference: new #BOYCOTTMEAT coalition to protect slaughterhouse workers. 

18 groups petition Gov. Cooper for more COVID-19 data transparency, especially from meat-packing plants 

Meting out misery - coronavirus outbreaks and the meat industry 

More should be done to protect meat packing workers 

'A serious mistake': Union president criticizes Tyson Foods over attendance policy

Labor leader: 'Ham sandwich' not worth the lives of meat workers

At least 44 meatpacking workers have died from coronavirus, union says

Meatpacking union: 44 COVID-19 deaths among workers

US union demands closure of LA meat processing plant

Letters to the Editor: Meat processing plants mistreated their workers long before the coronavirus started

America’s Slaughterhouses Aren’t Just Killing Animals

N.C. not doing enough to protect immigrant farmworkers from coronavirus, advocates say

Washington Farmworkers Become Covid-19 Guinea Pigs

Meats vs. worker safety — it's a false dichotomy

The Coronavirus Wouldn’t Be Decimating Meatpacking Plants If Company Bosses Hadn’t Busted the Unions

What Would Justice For Packing Plant Workers Look Like?

Risking workers lives for meat on the table

Coronavirus Spreading in Meat Plants Puts Workers’ Lives at Risk

Advocates slam Trump order to keep meatpacking plants open

It’s Workers Who Should Determine When Their Workplace Is Safe

U.S. Workplace Safety Rules Missing In The Pandemic

The Essential Workers America Treats as Disposable

800 Workers at a Pork Plant Get Covid-19: The Company Is Responsible

SOCIAL STRUCTURE: Immigration Status

Undocumented workers are essential. Let’s treat them like it. 

Florida gov blames coronavirus rise on ‘overwhelmingly Hispanic’ workers 

'Employees are not to blame' for coronavirus outbreaks 

Brown County's Latino community 'terrorized' by coronavirus, and the numbers show why 

Tyson Foods worker dies as virus cripples Buena Vista county

Who Had To Die For Your Dinner?

Worker shortage concerns loom in immigrant-heavy meatpacking

Latinos Make up Nearly 50% of COVID-19 Deaths in CA; New ‘Safer at Home’ Order Is Not Enough to Change That

Latino workers face discrimination over spread of coronavirus in meat plants

Fake IDs, Covid-19 deaths: Dallas meat plant tells tale of U.S. immigration breakdown

'The disease is ripping through': why coronavirus is devastating California's Pacific Islanders

Filipinos in Canada meat plant being scapegoated for Covid spread

The price of being 'essential': Latino service workers bear brunt of coronavirus

Families of essential workers killed by COVID-19 face loss of health care

The pandemic is just the latest threat faced by refugee food workers in Texas

Opinion: In About-Face, Trump Finds Immigrant Meat Packing Workers Essential

Coronavirus Case Rates and Death Rates for Latinos in the United States

For Latinos and Covid-19, Doctors Are Seeing an ‘Alarming’ Disparity

'Essential workers': Just another piece of meat in the food supply chain | POCHO

Coronavirus cases skyrocketing in Chicago’s Latino community

Latinos' coronavirus deaths at meat processing plant raise alarms about worker safety

Iowa Immigrants Face Nightmare At Meat Packing Plants

'We all stay home': no work and no stimulus checks for undocumented family in U.S.

Want to See an American Hero? Go to Your Bodega.

The Irony of Being Essential, But Illegal

Migrant farmworkers feed America, and they’re at high risk for a coronavirus outbreak

Are Latinos More Exposed to Coronavirus? Left Out of Testing, Treatment, Social Distancing?

Farmworkers, Mostly Undocumented, Become ‘Essential’ During Pandemic

These Migrant Workers Did Not Suddenly Fall From the Sky

Reports: Latino Workers Are Hit Hardest by COVID-19 Pandemic

'I have a broken heart': Trump policy has immigrants backing away from healthcare amid crisis

Immigrants, People Of Color At Risk From Coronavirus, Experts Say

Undocumented in US have few protections from virus fallout


Housekeepers the 'hidden heroes' keeping patients, doctors safe during COVID-19 pandemic

Coronavirus Surge In Montgomery, Alabama Reveals Health Inequalities | NBC Nightly News

Why Racism, Not Race, Is a Risk Factor for Dying of COVID-19

55% Of U.S. Coronavirus Cases In CDC Analysis Are Black And Hispanic 

Missing data veils coronavirus damage to minority communities

Florida migrant towns become coronavirus hot spots in the United States

'An alley without exit.' Experts worry COVID-19 among Latinos will get dire without support 

California Latino, Black residents hit even harder by coronavirus as white people see less danger 

This Texas Town Is America’s COVID-19 Future

Latinos’ risk of getting COVID doubles in states with meat processing plant outbreaks

The COVID-19 Response Is Fueled by Racial Hostility (OPINION)

A bioethicist on why reopening states will kill more black people

When Blackness Is a Preexisting Condition

Whose life matters more? A human or a hog?

Coronavirus Case Rates and Death Rates for Latinos in the United States

Smithfield Foods Is Blaming “Living Circumstances In Certain Cultures” For One Of America’s Largest COVID-19 Clusters

COVID-19 may not discriminate based on race — but U.S. health care does

SPREAD: National

Covid-19 Is Rampant Near Meatpacking Plants, But N.C. Won't Disclose All of the Data

Meat processing plants spread the coronavirus in North Carolina

Workers at SC meat plants infected with COVID 19. Many cases are in the Midlands

Mapping Covid-19 in meat and food processing plants | Food and Environment Reporting Network

Meat Plants Become Hotspots for Covid-19 Across the World 

Virus Hotspots Grow in Meat Plants From Germany to Brazil

At Tyson, 13% of workers infected 

Meat processing plants spread the coronavirus in North Carolina

Workers at SC meat plants infected with COVID 19. Many cases are in the Midlands 

Where COVID-19 is spreading fastest as U.S. cases rise 46% in past week 

COVID-19 has killed 93 meat plant workers across the US

COVID outbreaks at meatpacking plants keep growing. ZIP code data shows their spread. 

Risk up on Arkansas poultry lines

Coronavirus has killed 5 poultry plant workers and infected more than 200 other employees on Maryland’s Eastern Shore

Utah's Spike In Coronavirus Cases Tied Mostly To Meat Plant In Hyrum

Outbreaks at 60 US food plants raise specter of more shortages

Long Prairie beef processor among latest swept by COVID-19, despite significant prevention

COVID- 19 Outbreaks in NC: Symptoms of a Sick System

786 workers at Tyson's Dakota City plant have coronavirus; company says worst is over

Columnist Claire Morenon: Coronavirus exposes bleak truths about the national meat industry

Meatpacking workers risk returning to hot spots

‘Is pork essential?’ In a Smithfield town, a coronavirus-stricken meat factory comes back to life

Meatpacker took precautions. Workers still got sick.

Iowa Health Official Says 555 Workers at Tyson Meat Plant Test Positive for COVID-19

Cases of meat plant workers with coronavirus soars from 3,700 to more than 15,000 in a month - as experts warn meat supply could drop by a THIRD and prices could spike by 20%

Nearly 600 employees at North Carolina chicken processing plant test positive for coronavirus

Grocery Workers Union Estimates 3,257 Members Infected With Coronavirus

Regulatory gaps, missed opportunities allowed COVID-19 to spread in meatpacking plants

Meat plants still coronavirus hotspots after Tyson reveals quarter of NC plant tested positive

Almost 12,000 meatpacking and food plant workers have reportedly contracted COVID-19. At least 48 have died.

Virus infects 18% of workers at beef plant in Washington

More than 120 workers test positive for Covid-19 at Cork meat plant

3 workers killed, 277 infected in coronavirus outbreak at E. Wash. beef plant

US coronavirus hotspots linked to meat processing plants

Thirty Workers, Four USDA Inspectors Dead Amid Meat Plant Coronavirus Outbreaks

CDC: Nearly 5,000 Meat Processing Workers Infected With COVID-19

Second Wisconsin meatpacking worker dies of COVID-19; infections at food plants exceed 800

COVID Case Count At Reopened Tyson Meat Plant Doubles To More Than 1,000

Meat plant workers make up 1/6 of COVID-19 cases in Nebraska

Pa. has more coronavirus cases among meat plant workers than any other state, CDC says

58 percent of workers at Tyson meat factory in Iowa test positive for coronavirus

As meat plants reopen, Iowa, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Nebraska are coronavirus leaders

Colorado Leads Nation For Most COVID-19 Deaths Connected To Meat Processing Plants, Sixth Greeley JBS Employee Dies

Testing at Tyson plant near Tri-Cities finds nearly 1 in 8 with coronavirus. 2 have died

CDC: Nearly 5,000 Meat Processing Workers Infected With COVID-19

Nearly 900 workers at Tyson meat plant in Indiana test positive for coronavirus

Hundreds of poultry workers fall ill to coronavirus as consumer demand spikes

U.S. meat industry seen as source of most new COVID-19 hotspots

13 U.S. meat industry workers have died of COVID-19, union says

'Catastrophic Harm' Feared as Trump Uses Emergency Powers to Keep Meat-Packing Plants Open

One Hundred U.S. Government Meat Inspectors Have Contracted Covid-19

Workers at Hanford meat packing plant infected with coronavirus

As they rushed to maintain U.S. meat supply, big processors saw plants become covid-19 hot spots, worker

Coronavirus at meatpacking plants worse than first thought, USA TODAY investigation finds

Poultry Worker’s Death Highlights Spread of Coronavirus in Meat Plants

Hundreds of U.S. Meat Workers Have Now Tested Positive for Virus

SPREAD: Los Angeles

As COVID-19 surges, LA County hospitals running low on hospital beds, ICU space

California Disputes Record Coronavirus Case Count

Some Meat Plant Workers Who Make Dodger Dogs Are Spreading COVID-19 to Their Families

Dodger Dog Meat Packing Facility Experiences Outbreak of COVID-19

Outbreak of COVID-19 cases reported at Farmer John meat processing facility in Vernon

Vernon has about as many coronavirus cases as residents. That worries its neighbors

Why are coronavirus cases in East LA surging? 

Racism and inequity fuel coronavirus-related death toll among L.A. County minorities, officials say

Southern California Supermarkets Rocked by COVID-19 Outbreaks

As Many Angelenos Stayed Home, LA County Saw A Spike In Coronavirus Among Latinos. Here's Why

Mis Ángeles: Existential Dread For DACA Recipients Working On The Pandemic's Frontlines

The undocumented restaurant workers who fed us are being forgotten. This is their struggle

WORKERS: Meat Plant

Who Had To Die For Your Dinner?

After covid-19, a poultry worker fears a return to work

A Salvadoran immigrant worked at a Fort Morgan slaughterhouse for 24 years. Coronavirus killed him in 10 days.

Germany: Former abattoir worker 'heard colleagues crying at night 

Why these meatpacking workers fear for their health and safety amid COVID-19

Pride turns to fear for Latino workers pressured to produce chicken at Bell & Evans

Opinion | We’re Feeding America, but We’re Sacrificing Ourselves

‘That virus took my family away’: SoCal couple dies from COVID-19 one day apart, leaving behind 5 young children

Worried about meat availability? Workers are worried about their lives

As meatpacking plants reopen, workers terrified of coronavirus risk

Iowa workers are paying a high price for our meat. Our top politicians don't care

Undocumented Dallas plant workers say they rented fake IDs from temp agency. Then 2 died

As COVID races through Mountaire Farms poultry plant, workers deemed vital feel dispensable

Iowa meat plant worker dies after search to reunite him with his family

North Carolina hair salon declines to serve meat plant workers over coronavirus fears

Tyson meat plant employee dies of Covid-19 weeks after major outbreak

JBS Meat Plant Clinic Told Eighth COVID-19 Victim She Had a ‘Normal Cold,’ Daughter Says

Special Report: In Oklahoma pork-packing town, COVID stirs fear, faith and sorrow

‘They could have done more’: Daughter of Marshalltown meatpacking plant worker blames JBS for his COVID-19 death

Scared and Sick, U.S. Meat Workers Crowd in Reopened Plants

‘Like walking into a death trap:’ St. Joseph meat plant workers fear catching COVID-19

A week away from retirement, Marshalltown meatpacking worker dies from coronavirus

Remembering Juan: Niece of Dakota City, NE Tyson worker speaks out after his death due to COVID-19

Eighth JBS Greeley worker dies amid coronavirus outbreak at meat plant

What the Arkansas meat plant workers I met want you to know

Refugee Advocate: Workers Not Sure Who To Trust In Pandemic

“When We’re Dead and Buried, Our Bones Will Keep Hurting”

‘Like walking into a death trap:’ St. Joseph meat plant workers fear catching COVID-19

'Everyone's on top of you, sneezing and coughing': life inside Ireland's meat plants

Mississippi poultry worker who died of COVID-19 pushed for better pay, conditions

"How Am I Going To Survive?": A Costco Meatpacking Worker Speaks Of Her Fears As She And Others Labor To Keep Chicken In Stores

A Salisbury father and poultry plant worker died of COVID-19. Are plants putting products before workers?

Workers in Iowa meat industry fear returning to processing plants

A work-while-sick culture and lack of safeguards at meat plants has employees fearing for their lives

‘I lost him because of that horrible place’: Smithfield worker dies from COVID-19

Opinion | Two of My Colleagues Died of Covid-19

'I am so, so sad': Husband, friends of Cargill worker who died from COVID-19 honour her in memorial

‘Essential worker just means you’re on the death track’

3 USDA meat inspectors dead, about 145 diagnosed with COVID-19

“The Workers Are Being Sacrificed”: As Cases Mounted, Meatpacker JBS Kept People on Crowded Factory Floors

Listen to one Tyson employee's message to Donald Trump

'We're modern slaves': How meat plant workers became the new frontline in Covid-19 war

Washington Post investigates worker safety violations at meat processing plants

Younger Latinos Fear For Their Parents At Meat Packing Plants

'Death is so real:' Immigrant group says meat workers afraid after plant closure

‘Are you ready to go back?’ After covid-19, a poultry worker fears a return to work.

Smithfield Foods workers say they aren’t allowed to cover mouths to sneeze

USDA Inspector Reportedly Dies Amid Meat-Plant Viral Outbreaks

“Terrified to Go to Work”: Hundreds of Workers in Meat & Poultry Plants Test Positive for COVID-19

WORKERS: Produce

Farmworkers at Central California pistachio strike after dozens test positive for the coronavirus

Covid-19 is spreading among farmworkers, and it may get worse

COVID-19 Infections Rising Among Vegetable Packing Workers in California

Farmworkers are dying, COVID-19 cases are spiking, and the food system is in peril

Every Single Worker Has Covid at One U.S. Farm on Eve of Harvest

COVID-Related Strikes Hit Washington’s Apple Sheds

40 percent of positive COVID-19 cases in Monterey County are agricultural workers

Opinion | I Harvest Your Food. Why Isn’t My Health ‘Essential’?

Farmworkers face coronavirus risk: 'You can't pick strawberries over Zoom'

WORKERS: Seafood

America's stay-at-home seafood binge now faces virus threat

With thousands of seafood workers coming to Alaska, state tries to contain Covid-19

About 75% of crew tests positive for coronavirus on seafood processing ship

COVID-19 Outbreak In Pacific Northwest Seafood Industry As Season Ramps Up

100 people at 3 Louisiana crawfish farms diagnosed with coronavirus in first workplace cluster

US seafood workers fight unsafe job conditions amid pandemic

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